The Words of Desmond Tutu

Today I am grateful for time and conversation with my friend Jenny this weekend, phone calls with sisters, and ongoing writing inspiration.

One of the priests at our church, Frank,  borrowed to me a book by Desmond Tutu. It was written in 2004 and is titled God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time. He thought I might appreciate the book and he was right. Thanks Frank!

I really didn't know a lot about Archbishop Tutu other than he was a key figure in South Africa's peaceful move from apartheid to democracy. His book was a quick read and full of wit and wisdom. God is a key figure in the book of course, but so are we. All of us human beings trying to make our way in the world. The Archbishop's words could be boiled down to "We would all make our way better in the world if we spent our time getting along and supporting one another rather than fighting and being at odds.We are all one family." That can be applied to countries, factions, parishes, families. Any group.

If you struggle with the word "God," consider that there is something bigger than human power at work in our world. We each have a role. That higher force has a role.

Archbishop Tutu talks about many aspects of human and divine relationships in this book. Compassion. Humility. Forgiveness. Service. What I like about his writing is that it is universally applicable. A nation at war or a family at odds could both benefit from applying the ideas he sets forth.

Later in the book he talks about "seeing with the eyes of the heart" and on p. 100 he writes:

"I am deeply thankful for those moments in the early morning when I try to be quiet, to sit in the presence of the gentle and compassionate and unruffled One to try to share in or be given some of that divine serenity."

Gratitude practice helps me see with the eyes of the heart. Noticing blessings helps me feel blessed and in turn opens my heart and mind to others. And I can only notice blessings if I take time to be quiet, take time to commune with the higher force I consider to be the source of those blessings.

Serenity is a goal in my life. A daily goal. Unruffled? It's possible. I have known unruffled times. I seek more of them. Thanks for the sagacious thoughts Archbishop Tutu!
