An Early Morning 3 x 3

Today I am grateful for habitual gratitude practice. It allows me to wake up looking for things to be grateful for, even when troubled thoughts occupy my mind.

In fact, gratitude helps crowd out troubled thoughts, or at the least shrink them down to a manageable size. I woke up with work and health concerns on my mind. I would rather they didn't invade my day today, so this morning I am doing a 3 x 3. It's a gratitude strategy that anyone can use at anytime. Read more about it here or here.  You can write it, say it, think it, share it, or any combination thereof.

Here's mine. Today I am grateful for:

*my five senses
-I felt the cool breeze this morning
-I heard the rustling of leaves in the trees
-I saw the daylight arrive

* our dog Oliver
-the way he stretches his body each morning before our walk
-his excitement to head out the door with me
-his way of walking/prancing/trotting down the trail

-getting out of bed without pain
-walking further than I did yesterday as I recover from surgery
-being able to do some minor stretching

Such focus on gratitude tends to bring me back to the present, to help me be mindfully aware that this is the moment to cherish.

Have a good day. Pay attention to the gifts in your life.
