Today I am grateful for time to sit on our patio earlier in the day yesterday, and then in our recliners later in the day, enjoying a cool breeze and the company of my husband. I am also grateful for recovery wisdom shared by others.

You may be wondering about today's post title: TGIF. No, I'm not confused about what day of the week it is. I know it's Monday. I don't mind Mondays. They are one-seventh of our lives, so we shouldn't be so tough on them. I do like Fridays, but that's not what this TGIF is about.

This TGIF was seen on a sign outside a church in my area. TGIF: Thank God I'm forgiven. I am grateful for the role of forgiveness in my life. Others have forgiven me and continue to forgive me. My husband Darcy tops that list because I need his forgiveness more than anyone else's. Other than myself, I am toughest on him.

It reminds me of this little prayer: "Lord, make no one's life worse off for having crossed my path today." If I keep that in mind, less forgiveness is needed.

Then there's self-forgiveness. I was my own worst enemy through my teen years and my active drinking. I made mistakes. I felt shame and guilt. I knew better, but I couldn't seem to do better. In early sobriety, I continued to be tough on myself. I still can be today, but it doesn't last as long. I accept myself and my humannness much better than I used to. That means I also accept others and their humanness better too. I have fewer expectations, more acceptance, and I try to remember to be kind and gentle.

I appreciate that forgiveness allows for fresh starts. TGIF.
