The Gift of a Long Run

Today I am grateful for continuing lessons from others on how to make progress in my recovery from alcoholism. I am also grateful for the long run Darcy and I had yesterday morning.

The run truly was a gift. Not that it stood out much from our many other training runs over the years, but it was appreciated because of all the little gifts I noticed along the way as we covered between 11 and 12 miles. I often feel a deep sense of gratitude when I run. A deep sense of well-being and strength.Yesterday was no different.

Some of the gifts I noticed included:

*hearing a variety of birds sharing their songs
*the cool, less humid morning air
*the subtly different shades of green in the trees we passed
*the blue skies
*appreciating a good pair of shoes
*a refreshing drink of water
*indoor bathrooms along our route
*the endorphins that were created
*the time with Darcy
*the conversation and catching up with Darcy after a busy week
*the sense of accomplishment I carry through the rest of my day
*how I feel about my post-cancer body, flat-chested and all
*the feeling of grace that came as I considered how fortunate we are
      to be able-bodied and alive

I am grateful to be a runner, grateful Darcy is a runner, grateful we can run.
