Eagle Eye

Living gratefully today, I appreciate warm blankets on our bed on a chilly night and the meals our son Sam prepares. I give thanks for all of the people who are helping get vaccines into arms around the world. 

My husband Darcy and I went for a walk yesterday morning, a gray and chilly start to the day. We noticed an eagle soaring overhead and then perching in a tree in the distance. Eagles are a fairly common sight in our river town, but I still am in awe every time I see one. Majestic and resilient creatures. We almost lost them, and now they thrive. 

The eagle stayed perched as we walked on the trail not far from the tree it was in. I took this picture, which only tells part of the connection we shared. We were close enough to see the eagle's eyes as it followed us and surveyed the area. 

Eagle eyes. A quick fact check tells me that eagles have some of the strongest eyes of any animal, and that they can see 4 to 8 times farther than humans. Though much smaller in size and weight than humans, their eyes are about the same size as ours. Impressive. Their eyes make them good hunters, but also keen observers. What was this eagle taking in besides Darcy and I as we walked by?

From this comes the term "eagle eye," defined as a careful or close watch. The eagle we saw yesterday and this definition both remind me to be present. The here and now is the only place we can keenly observe. It is the only place we can keep a careful watch. 

And when I am able to remain present, what a view unfolds. A sense of calm and gratefulness settles in around me. Even if it doesn't last long, it shapes my day. Better to be shaped by a few peaceful moments than racing thoughts and unreasonable expectations. 

Thank you eagle and Universe. 
