Natural or Forced?

Today I am grateful for a good turnout at an event at my school last evening.  I am also grateful for the invaluable experience of years of gratitude practice, through thick and thin.

This quote is a variation on “Let go or be dragged” and “try easier.”

"Do your best and then relax. Let things go on in a natural way, rather than force them."
Paramahansa Yogananda

Words and intentions that I need to hear and practice regularly. I hear this idea more among those recovering from alcoholism and other addictions, but they are of value to any and all of us. What and who can I really change?  Just me and my own attitude and actions. Things unfold naturally or unravel forcibly. I have a choice, even in the most difficult of times, amid the most powerful of emotions.

I very much appreciate that my gratitude practice and my intention to live gratefully do tend to come naturally. They aren't actions and thoughts I need to force. Sure, there are days where I need to be more intentional, when I may feel less than enthusiastic about the practice, yet it still flows pretty readily.

Just like I know I will feel better with physical exercise and free endorphins, even when I have to initially push myself into motion, so it is living gratefully. It works. It really does.
