Riches or Poverty?

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to speak to others about gratitude last night at our church, and I am grateful for those who were there to listen.

This is today's quote in my gratitude journal:

"Gratitude is riches, complaining is poverty. Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right." (Zachary Fisher)

Thank you Zachary Fisher for nailing it! It seems to be my nature to dwell on what isn't going right, what I am worried about, what I wish I could control but can't, what I would prefer not to have to deal with. When I do that I get exhausted and I am not paying attention to the daily gifts that surround me.Gratitude practice works if I work at it.

I am deeply blessed. My life is rich. And it has nothing to do with money and stuff. It has everything to do with seeing what's right.

Here are a few things that are right in my life:
*my marriage to Darcy
*being a mom to Sam and a stepmom to Arthur and Emily
*my job
*our dog Oliver
*five working senses
*this blog
*being a runner
*my extended family
*friends old and new
*recovery from alcoholism

Riches or poverty? We all have a choice. Which one will you make today?
