Fog, Focus, and Freedom

Today I am grateful for ice cream and the soothing effect it has for me. (You might say that's all in my head. I say "so what, it works for me.")

I am also grateful for the insights that come with regular practice of gratitude and writing.

Fog is still on my mind. When surrounded by fog, I hear sounds I would miss on a clear day. Why is that? One sense is dulled, another is heightened. 

Gratitude can do the same. If things aren't going well in one area of life, I can choose to focus on that and feel sorry for myself, or I can switch my focus to something that is going well, or something I have control over--such as going for a run or writing a blog post. It's a cinch that whatever I choose to focus on will determine my attitude for the near future. Gratitude keeps my focus healthy and more energized.

Yesterday my focus fell on heavy thoughts--regarding my job as well as circumstances people I care about find themselves in.  I tried not to dwell there, but some time spent in heaviness allows us to better grasp the return to light when it comes. Heaviness gives way to freedom when we let go.

My heavy thoughts were draining me. I was feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. It was then that I remembered how skewed my perception gets-generally to the negative side-when I am tired. I cut myself some slack and let go of the concerns I was having. (Because my worrying wasn't helping anyone else or me. ) There are tough things, difficult times, daunting challenges that will only be exacerbated by worry and fear. Gratitude teaches me to keep it all in perspective and to save my energy for productive efforts like sending a note to someone I am worried about, or cleaning out a drawer instead of overthinking about a situation I can't change.

Worry, fear, and self-pity keep me stuck in the problem. Recognizing the gift of this day brings a freedom, clears the fog, and helps me focus on the present. And the present, I believe, is the best place to be, regardless of how well or how tough things are going.
