"Is this heaven? No it's ______."

Today I am grateful for a good training run with Darcy yesterday, and energy that would have allowed me to continue, even after 3 hours and 15 minutes. I am also grateful for old movies and new memories.

We created one such new memory last Saturday when we made a stop at "The Field of Dreams" movie site near Dyersville, Iowa. I am almost ashamed to admit, as an Iowa girl myself, that this was my first visit to the site. It was high time to make the stop. It was Darcy's idea before it was mine.The movie was released in 1989, the year I got sober. I like that connection. It was the beginning of my release from alcoholism too.

I liked walking out on the field and walking around the outfield perimeter. I heard the corn rustle in the breeze just like it did in the movie. That is not just any corn in the picture above, that is corn on the edge of "The Field of Dreams." For real. But I wouldn't want to perpetuate the old complaints about Iowa just being cornfield after cornfield. (And even if it were, would that be terrible?)

I hadn't seen the movie in many years. Darcy and Sam had never seen it. We watched it last night. The famous line from the movie (at least famous for us natives who didn't hear things like this much) was "Is this heaven? No it's Iowa." Watch the movie if you haven't.  It's about having faith, even when logic and reason would argue against it. It's about having patience, because that is what it often takes for directions and answers to come. It is about believing. Just believing.

Being from Iowa, I can vouch for the heavenly aspects of my home state. Including the rolling hills I grew up surrounded by, only some of which had corn on them. Being a person who practices gratitude, I can vouch for heaven showing up on earth in many ways each day.

Yesterday, heaven on earth was that feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction after our long run, with free endorphins thrown in for good measure. It was playing catch with Sam in the backyard on a beautiful afternoon, with Darcy and Oliver looking on.

How would you fill in the blank? "Is this heaven? No it's _______."

Speaking of Iowa, I am going there to visit family and will be taking a blog break for a few days.Keep looking for gratitude, keep practicing, keep believing.
