Spinning in Overdrive

Today I am grateful for family time and for Sam's laughter. It warms my heart.

I am also grateful I recognize the danger of spinning in overdrive and have learned to slow down sooner rather than later.

I used to operate in overdrive most of the time. I had lots to do, lots of motivation to do it, and typically lots of energy. But not enough time. Excessive overdrive creates underlying pressure. Pressure builds and it needs to escape. My escape used to be drinking. I would drink to intoxication and let everything go for a few hours. I drank in overdrive too.

I sometimes still miss the escape that alcohol provided, the total abandon that came with it. But it is fleeting. I turn to my healthy escapes now-running, writing, blogging, practicing gratitude. And I catch myself spinning in overdrive sooner than I used to. I guess I am learning to downshift sooner.

Last week was one of those weeks where I was "spinning off the face of the earth."  I knew it would be a full week heading into it, so that awareness helped. But I still got overly tired and less than pleasant. Some of the busy-ness had to happen, some of it was self-imposed. But I am making progress in understanding how important balance is in my life.

Spinning doesn't allow me to see the little things. But gratitude helps bring it all in perspective and helps me downshift to a more sane pace so I can see the gifts of the moment.
