One Chortle After Another

Today I am grateful for the wisdom shared by others in recovery and for Oliver's ability to remind me to slow down and relax.

This weekend gave me fodder for at least a couple more blog posts, so here goes.

One particularly hilarious situation from the weekend happened when we got on a roll with words that start with "ch."  I don't even remember what got us going, but let me tell you, once the word chortle got thrown in there by Melissa, it was one chortle after another.

Chortle-a snorting, joyful laugh or chuckle. Indeed! And I learned something new when I came home and looked the word up-chortle comes from combining the words snort and chuckle. (It was not the only vocabulary lesson we had this weekend, but I am not allowed to write about some of the others.)

I won't do it justice, and I must protect the innocent, but some of the words that flew around were choices, changes, challenges, cheating, cheetos, Chicago, cheese, Chia, childless, childish, chafing, chance, and choking-which a couple of us nearly did because we were laughing so hard. We really had some cheap fun. My friends also took advantage of the opportunity to check out my prosthetics. In more ways than one. All chuckles aside, I hope it helped the non-breast cancer patients to see what it can all be about to go through that harrowing ordeal and emerge whole in a new way.

And apparently it doesn't matter whether you are pre-teen, teen, young adult, or hitting midlife, it seems that at least some bodily functions will become part of the discussion whenever a group of friends gathers. I guess that speaks to the comfort level we have.

I am grateful for that comfort level. Grateful also for the memories we reminisced about this weekend, and the new memories we created. The world could use more chortling.

Today's inside joke: ramekin.


  1. Words are fun aren't they Lisa, but you knew that a very long time ago!

  2. Thanks for commenting Rita! Fun yes, but also inspiring and healing. I haven't run out of words yet :-)


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