The Rustling Within

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the feel of my feet on the ground and of muscles stretching and relaxing. I give thanks for the day ahead, starting with this moment. 

My husband Darcy and I took some time on Sunday to enjoy the beautiful and mild weather. We loaded up our bikes and headed for a trail route we have been meaning to do. From there, we headed to a state park we had never been to and took an enjoyable walk, taking in the fall color. 

As we walked, I was attracted to this sound: 

Leaves rustling in the breeze. Fall leaves sound different than summer leaves. I believe this is a stand of birch trees, but knowing the type of tree isn't necessary to knowing the pleasure of the sound. Nature is for enjoying as much as it is for identifying. 

The rustling within this bunch of trees provided a soothing sound to me. The rustling within me isn't always soothing, but it is always beckoning me to keep listening and transforming. 
