
Today I am grateful for the various resources and support services our community offers. I am also grateful for the thought of fresh garden produce to give me hope of warmer days on a snowy and blustery winter morning.

In fact, some fresh ZUCCHINI squash sounds good right now. I have always been a fan of zucchini and other summer squashes, and also acorn and butternut squash and the other fall varieties. When I think of zucchini, I think of zucchini bread, and I also think of a pasta dish that we like to make when we carb-load before a long run. It has zucchini, eggplant, and chickpeas among other ingredients.

Thinking of squash and other produce also conjures up images and memories of the large garden we had when I was growing up. I didn't mind working in the garden, though some jobs were more desirable than others. Weeding was okay, for a while. We had a push plow that could go between the rows. I liked doing that. When it was time to pick the peas or the beans or the strawberries, I was motivated by the treat I knew we would be getting for dinner or supper.

The month of January flew by. The decades since I worked in that garden on our farm seem to have flown by as well. Some days I feel pretty nostalgic and sentimental. Awed by life and where it has taken me both literally and figuratively.

I am reminded of the many gifts over these many years. Gifts that came in unexpected ways and from unexpected sources. And on a busy morning with much on my to-do list for the day ahead, I am reminded of the most important gift of all. The gift of today. Slow down enough to enjoy it. Be present in the present.
