Make Good Use of Your Energy

Today I am grateful for laughter with my husband Darcy and for clean air to breathe.

Yesterday on my way to work I came up behind an SUV and on the back window was the message "Make good use of your energy." I liked that thought. It's a good wellness message. I was thinking about how gratitude practice helps me make better use of my energy, as does a good dose of acceptance and letting go of what is beyond my control. (A.K.A. everything other than my own attitude and actions.)

Then I switched lanes to pass the SUV and on the side of the driver's door was the name of a business having to do with "Electric."  I smiled to myself. What I had thought was a nice wellness message was more meant to be part of a moving advertisement. It doesn't matter. It can serve both purposes.

I got two shots of gratitude from that vehicle yesterday morning. The mindfulness reminder about how I want to best use my energy throughout the day and a reminder of how grateful I am for the ease of electricity. Flip a switch and a light comes on. Plug in the toaster and pretty soon there's toast.

The energy provided by electricity is a major convenience and luxury I take for granted most days. The energy provided by pausing in gratitude is one I am still learning to fully tap into.
