
Today I am grateful for the peace that can be found in silence. I am also grateful for a closet full of clothes.

Thoughts and prayers for my brother-in-law Clay as he recovers from extensive surgery.

Emotional health has to do with feelings, the whole range of feelings. Life will give us plenty of ups and downs, triumphs and struggles. Emotional health means I acknowledge that range and honor the variety. Painful emotions are just that-painful. But if we never knew pain, how could we appreciate joy?

Some will go to great lengths to avoid pain or protect others from pain, and in actuality create more pain for everyone around them. Emotional pain is a powerful motivator. It can tell us it is time to leave an unhealthy relationship. It can tell us it us time to get sober and make healthier choices. It can tell us acceptance is the answer.

Some will search endlessly for joy and happiness and miss the joy and happiness right in front of them, here and now. We shouldn't have to chase joy. It finds us.

Those are some of my random thoughts on emotional health. I am grateful I can better identify my feelings, spend less time in the painful ones, and more quickly recognize the little joys in each day.

Gratitude practice helps me generate more positive emotions, helping create more physical and spiritual energy and giving my mind a productive focus and direction.
