Snow, By Chance

Today I am grateful for my son Sam and what he teaches me. I am also grateful for the role of chance in the little things of life.

Yesterday afternoon it was later than anticipated when I left work and then made a couple stops to run errands. I was hoping to get home to go for a run, but I was getting short on time and I had to pick up Sam from wrestling practice. When I got home I waffled a little, but decided to get ready and head out with our dog Oliver for a short run.

It had just started snowing lightly and I had just stepped outside our house when I saw a good friend of mine who just happened to be out for her walk then too. I was a little surprised, as this friend is not a big fan of the cold. (It was in the 20's.) We talked briefly and she commented on how pretty the snowfall was and that she would have missed it if she had decided not to walk.

Amen to that. Don't miss life.Take action. Do something healthy for yourself. Take time to be out in nature. The rewards always come. First, I was rewarded with that brief connection with my recovery friend, someone who helps keep me on track. Then, I was rewarded with the beauty and quietude of the snowfall. I was rewarded with the endorphins the run brought. By the time I was done running, I had to be more cautious because the snow was making things a little slippery. A reminder to slow down and take care of myself was yet another reward.

A chance connection. A chance brief snowfall. A reason to pause in gratitude.

And a final lesson from the randomness of the snowflakes that were falling. Just "go with it." Just stay present in the moment and be open to possibilities. Just stay grateful.
