The Styrofoam of Life

Today I am grateful for blessings that surround me and a better awareness of their presence. I am also grateful for my husband Darcy and our talks.

With some purchases we have made in recent weeks, we have had more styrofoam packaging to deal with. It got me thinking about styrofoam in ways I never really had. Styrofoam is not healthy for the environment and arguably not for us either. Styrofoam is actually a brand name for polystyrene, which is made from petroleum.

It's a nuisance to get rid of styrofoam. It's not easy to find a place to recycle it. Though it is light, it takes up plenty of space. You can't crush it or break it down, and if you try, it makes a mess. Yet, styrofoam performs an important job. It is quite effective at protecting fragile items in transit or keeping a beverage warm or cold.

Styrofoam is lightweight and convenient, but is it worth it? It comes with a heavy environmental price tag.

Then there is the styrofoam of life. Are there times I needed emotional styrofoam but then hung on to it for too long, using space that could have been put to more productive use? Have I cushioned myself from something I needed to face and work through? There are times when protecting ourselves is wise, and times when insulating ourselves too much denies us from feeling what we need to feel, doing what we need to do.

Random thoughts. Focused gratitude as I begin my day.
