
Today I am grateful for the women in my local cancer support group, especially the three women I met for the first time last night. They are all in active treatment and they are in my thoughts and prayers. I am also grateful for the awakenings that have come my way over my lifetime, big and small.

With Easter just around the corner and spring emerging, awakenings are evident and being discussed.

Here are some of my random thoughts on the idea of awakenings:

*They are really about second chances we give ourselves and others. If we awaken to a part of ourselves we had been denying or fearful of, or not confident enough in, we have new goals and sometimes a new road, or at least a wider path to travel. If we awaken to a part of someone we know and care about, by accepting them as they are, or realizing this is their way of shining, then we get to share in their journey too.

*I often think first about my own personal awakenings. There have been so many. I think back to my painful teens and early twenties, and my excessive drinking. First awakening to the fact that I had a problem, then awakening to the need for help and seeking that help. The awakenings have been endless since then. Accepting myself. Living life on life's terms. A growing faith and spirituality. Awakening to the many blessings I have, starting with this day.

*A cancer diagnosis, treatment, and surgeries awakened fear, but also hope. It also helped awaken the essayist in me that was beneath the poet I had always been. And it awakened a new level of self-acceptance, starting with a flat chest and a new normal post-treatment.

*Gratitude practice provides a daily opportunity to awaken to life's riches, starting with the most basic of needs like air to breathe, food to eat, shelter to protect. But it only grows from there and includes things like fingers and eyes that work as I type this entry.

Awakening is both literal and symbolic. It is about paying attention. It is also about action. An awakening is a getting up, a noticing, a validation. It requires effort, but can be as simple as opening one's eyes.

That's it for random thoughts from Lisa today. I hope that you will consider the awakenings that come your way today. I will do the same. I will be taking a blog break until early next week. Have a nice Easter!
