Crucify is a Strong Word

Today I am grateful for two ears and one heart to help me listen to others and myself. I am also grateful for a mind that stays open more than it used to, so I can learn more.

With Easter coming up, the words crucify and crucifixion are more prevalent than at other times of the year. There is much religious significance surrounding Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. But our priest's sermon Sunday at my church got me thinking about modern day crucifying.

Do I crucify others with my judgment and harsh words? Do I crucify others by treating them as different or invisible? Do I crucify myself for being less than perfect? Do I crucify myself because "I should know better?" Mortify. Torment. Persecute. Crucify. They are all strong words and strong actions, but we choose them. If I am doing any of these things to others or myself, even if on a small scale, why? (And is there such a thing as small scale in this arena?)

Though we can point to ways the human race has made progress in accepting one another, we can also point to just as many examples of how our intolerance still leads to injustice and hate. Or maybe it's greed that leads to the injustice. Either way, it is wrong.

Strong words call for strong deterrents. It is not my place to judge others, but I do it. We all do it. Let's help each other out. More acceptance. More patience. More gratitude for each other in our glorious uniqueness. Take a stand. Don't join in with the gossip, bad-mouthing, complaining. Walk away if needed. It can happen among friends, in the workplace, with relatives. But gratitude can happen in all of those places too. When I am grateful, I am much kinder and gentler with myself and others. Less crucifying likely.

When I look for the the good in the world, in others, and in myself, I find it. It is there. It is here. It is all around. And when I focus on the good and positive, I am more likely to love, less likely to hate. More likely to glorify. Less likely to crucify.

Are you with me? Let's look for and share the good. Let's share gratitude.
