Making a List . . . Checking it Twice

Not THAT list. This one . . .

Today I am grateful for:

1. Resistance bands and the exercises they allow me to do.

2. Reminders to live gratefully that are in a variety of places around our home, including:
    a. a "Blessed" sign in our family room         
    b. "Grateful Heart" keychain with my car keys, a gift from a friend (the keychain, not the car :-) 
    c. my coffee mug this morning, from my niece's shop, that reads "Everyday miracles are all around us, 
        go find yours."

3. Our neighbor's holiday lights that are on early each morning when I take Oliver out. They are colorful,
    flowing lights that capture the eyes. 

4. Streetlights and a reflector vest that helped me take a run safely last evening in the dark. 

5. Self-forgiveness. For me, the toughest to come by, but the most transforming.

6. A phone call with a recovering friend. A vent session, but also always some laughter.  

7. The cows and farmers that made possible the milk I put on my cereal a few minutes ago. 

8. Words from the writer within. Writing keeps me more sane, more peaceful than I would be 
   without it as an outlet. 

9. The opportunity to wake up, easily get out of bed, and move into my day. There are some stressors in 
   it but also appreciation that it is Friday and we have a few holiday plans this weekend. 

There. That's a list worth making and checking twice. There is power in writing down gratitudes, reading them over, sharing them with others. Thank you for receiving them and I hope you decide to create your own list. Onward! 
