An Early Morning Connection and Boost

Today I am grateful for connections of many kinds and for timing that made one this morning possible. 

This is what I wrote and caught on video earlier:

Movement caught my eye across the street in the pre-dawn. I hadn’t even turned on any lights other than those on our Christmas tree. Three deer made their way through the neighborhood. I watched from the warmth of my home as one paused and began to head my way. A buck with antlers walked slowly across the trail, then the road, pausing near our mailbox and then foraging near our crabapple tree. 

I simply watched and also felt the complexity of one living being connecting with another. A deer sent to hearten my spirits and remind me that Great Spirit and Nature are always with me even when I ignore them. Just yards away, with some sort of lifeline between us, a deer and I connected. I captured video to show my husband, but needed no permanent record because my heart holds the memory, the moment of presence shared. (12/19/21  5:20 a.m.)

The video is amateur and murky for those of you who weren't there. I am still glad I captured it, and that the deer captured my attention.

It is not unusual to see deer in our area, but it is unusual to see them this close. Rarer still to see them in our yard. It's a first for me, in our 16 years of living here. I had tossed and turned in bed some before deciding to get up and start my day. I came down the stairs and got a boost. A boost of faith. A boost of clarity. A boost to move me forward into my day. 

Thank you deer. Thank you Nature. Thank you Great Spirit. 
