The Beauty in a Place

Living gratefully today, I appreciate each of my five senses and how they are allowing me to experience the early morning outdoors.

I am grateful for my family, and a special birthday wish today to our daughter-in-law Alyssa. Happy Birthday Alyssa and enjoy the day!

I hear the birds, see the sky's color ahead of the sunrise, smell the remains of a neighbor's evening fire, feel the chill in the air, taste the mix of fresh air as I breathe it in. Beautiful reminders of how alive I am, how alive the world around me is.

These reminders feel good as the circumstances and limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic grind on into another week. My emotions, the collective emotions of those around me, carry both a heaviness and a hope.

So I go to the beauty in a moment such as this. The beauty in a place such as this. It doesn't need to be captured in a photo or written word. It only needs to be experienced. As I went for my early morning run yesterday, I considered this as I took in the beauty of spring green filling in, sun filtering through trees, the aliveness of it all.

We live in a community with stunning natural beauty in every season. The same areas show themselves in different lights, literally and figuratively, as the months of the year go by. Unlike the seasons, the next months remain unpredictable. Yet, I can embrace the here and now, the stable force that Nature is.

And I can embrace the beautiful places within me, the ones from which resilience and gratefulness flow. Even when the flow is slow or stalled, the grit and gratitude remain.

Pause today for a moment or two, here and there. Experience the beauty in a place, a moment, you.
