Musings on Stillness and Settling

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the stillness that calls to me more and more.

STILLNESS will be my focus word this year. This is the 4th year I have received a random word for the year in the mail from my friend Laurel. Acceptance, grace, and play have come before it. I continue to grow in awareness of each of these. I am a work in progress, and I do the work.

Stillness is such a good fit for me at this time in my life. It calls to me across physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. It knows I will find it challenging at times, and leave me wide-eyed and open-hearted at others.

Stillness can be unsettling. Unpleasant emotions and impatience can surface. Struggles show themselves more plainly.

We have to become unsettled before we know what we need to settle.

In the stillness, trust, faith, and guidance come. Words to compose come. Rest comes. Peace is less elusive in the stillness. I gladly welcome where the word will take me, and not take me, this year. Thank you Laurel!
