
Today I am grateful for the opportunities that writing presents in my life, and for safe travels home for my husband Darcy.

With "stillness" as my focus word this year, I am hearing and seeing things that I pick up on more readily as tie-ins and inspiration regarding this word, this concept.  Be still and more gets though the usual clutter.

Yesterday, it was a random song I heard on my way to work:"Hush" by Deep Purple. Hush. Silence. Soundlessness. It takes practice and intention to reach stillness, to welcome hush.

Deep Purple is a British hard rock band. They are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and they also made the "Guinness Book of World Records" in the mid-70’s for being the loudest rock band. Ironic that my favorite song of theirs has always been "Hush." I like it mainly because of the opening--"na, na, na, na, na. . . "

Sometimes it takes sound to remind me to be quiet.

There's that other definition of hush as well. The "shush" and "quiet down" that we tend to use with children. Maybe I need a bit of that tone with help it sink in. Hush Lisa. Be quiet Lisa.

Hush now. Be still. What comes through?
