Flexibility found in the Stillness

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the various ways my phone allows me to communicate and connect with the people in my life. Phone calls, text messages, FaceTime and more give me a nice variety to fit the time I have and the people I am connecting with.

There is more flexibility in distance communication methods since my teen years when the options were the phone attached to the wall or a letter dropped in the mail.

Flexibility. I showed some to myself yesterday in a little way when I wrapped up the last six words of my recent A-Z list here in one post. Not a big deal, but it does reveal that I am becoming less rigid in my ways and that is a good thing. "I have to do it this way" does apply to certain things, but not most of the things I tend to apply it to.

I wore ruts in my routine and in my thoughts and feelings with my inflexibility, with my insistence on consistence. I was literally stuck in ruts in ways, and the path it took me down got me stuck even further. Consistency is a good thing in many ways, but too consistent tends to lead to complacency, the sneaky kind of complacency that erodes some areas and leaves others unattended.

Flexibility is good for my physical body, for my writing endeavors and creative avenues, for the routines that make up my days.

I applied a little flexibility at the store yesterday. I was waiting in line at a busy time and instead of grabbing my phone like I would usually do, to catch up on emails or whatever, I just paused and looked out the window.

What I saw there, across the parking lot, evoked a pleasant memory I share with my husband Darcy. I smiled, my heart was warmed, and my patience was renewed. My inflexible rush, rush, rush became a flexible pause and the difference was clear and apparent to me.

I found flexibility in the stillness. I will be looking for more there.
