A New House and Some Conversation

Today I am grateful for a bike ride last evening. It was chilly but invigorating. I am also grateful for my extended family.

One brief visit to my family can yield plenty of fodder for some gratefulness. I was able to get to my niece Katie and her family's new house on this visit. They moved in late last year. I was joined by my sister Zita and we got to enjoy the company of our sister-in-law Charlene, our nephew's wife Kristi, and Katie's family-husband Danny and children Saela and Liam. Just part of one branch of our large family tree.

I appreciate any chance to see family and to spend time with people I don't get to see often. I am blessed with the large family I have, and blessed that we all care about one another and no one has been sent into permanent exile. But I also have a sadness at times because I can't give the kind of time and attention to my large family that I would like to. I do what I can. They do what they can. We are all busy and we all have our own lives and families. That is the drawback of having nearly 100 people in one's extended family.

I wish I could know all my nieces and nephews better. I wish they could know me better. It is a loss going both ways. And it is what makes time together something I cherish. Katie is the niece who, along with her husband Danny, inspired several of us to consider running a marathon. That was the start of something that has become a huge source of gratitude and health in our lives. Darcy and I have run 12 marathons and have plans for #13 this fall. Read more about that in one of my early posts titled From Runner to Marathoner.

It was nice to see their new home and the personal touches and character throughout. It was nice to enjoy a delicious meal around one table. It was nice to have conversation about life, with the ups and downs we all face. We are each defined by our life experiences. Some we choose and some are chosen for us. I appreciate when there is honest sharing and sincere listening. That is a worthwhile conversation and that is what we had together that day. Thanks to all of you who were there!

Today I can try to make each conversation I have worthwhile by being present and mindful. It's a good start to making connections and connections are what life is all about.
