Seeing God in Everyone

 “You can’t love God and hate your neighbor.” 

My husband Darcy gave the sermon at church on Sunday. He included the words above from presiding bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Church. They are words we could all take to heart. I don't know about you, but I have room for improvement. Our communities, states, countries and world need more love, less hate. 

Louder love. Quieter hate. It would be a good start anyway. 

Some of the other terms besides God that I use to refer to Higher Power are: Universe, Friend, Great Spirit, and thanks to Glennon Doyle's book Untamed I have now added Knowing. It is helpful to me to use these all-encompassing terms because it helps me better connect to my own faith. 

These titles emanate compassion and openness. A Higher Power that brings comfort, hope, focused energy are what I know I need. What about you? 

“May I see God everywhere and in everyone.”

These are words from a meditation prayer my sister shared with me. They also bring me comfort and focus. They carry a reverence for all of creation. That includes me and you, the people I agree with and the ones I disagree with. This includes Nature and all that humans have created as well. Am I treating people, things, ideas, places with respect and kindness?

This may seem like a lofty reflection today. But is it?  It's really quite simple. There is a continuum from humble grace to arrogant self-serving. Where am I on this continuum? Where do my words, thoughts, and actions fall?
