Up, Up and Away

Today I am grateful for the peace of morning quiet and for my physical capabilities and energy. 

As I recently mentioned, looking up at the sky when I step outside is one of my gratefulness practices. We can sky watch from indoors too, but we seem to get the fuller effect when the vastness isn't limited by a ceiling or roof. I can feel the presence of Higher Power and a more boundless energy when I stand as part of that vastness. 

I took both of these pictures in recent weeks. This first picture was taken from inside a vehicle. That's my reflection you see in the mirror. I've never been in a hot air balloon, but they are sure intriguing to watch and colorful to see. Being afraid of heights, especially open air like these are, I don't know that I will pursue a hot air balloon ride. But I appreciated the view and floating color of this one. 

It was close enough that we could see people in it. I wondered if they were veterans or out for the first time, or somewhere in between. I wondered if they were celebrating a special occasion or just out for their usual Sunday ride. 

This second picture is of the moon rising in the early evening, taken as I went for a bike ride along a favorite route. I am recovering from surgery and this was the first bike ride I had taken in a few weeks. That heightened my appreciation of the evening air and sky, and the healing taking place. 

Up, up and away. That is where peace can be found and where I can release stress or tension. Even brief moments make a difference. Try it today. Step outside. Day or night. Look up. Pause. What message does the sky send you? 
