At It Again

Today I am grateful for walks with my husband Darcy and for a new TV with a bigger screen. The previous smaller screen had become a strain on our eyes from certain seats in our family room. Eyesight. What an amazing sense and way to take in the world. I am grateful for eyes that work and glasses that offer refinement. 

Later yesterday afternoon, I was sitting on our back patio doing some journaling. The temperature was ideal. The bugs weren’t out. Pen to paper, I was capturing thoughts, feelings, and events of the last couple weeks. This has been one of my faithful writing processes for over forty years. In this writing, just for me and just about life as I see and experience it, there is much value. Duly noting my story has always helped me more viscerally understand life and myself. 

As I was at my writing, I was also once again mesmerized by the neighborhood squirrels and their antics. They were at it again too; scurrying, jumping, chasing, and even pausing. Pausing? It seems like they never do much pausing, and I can relate. For a few minutes though, I paused from my writing and watched this squirrel perched in the crook of a tree, unmoving. It held that pose for at least five minutes. I became more calm witnessing the pause of another creature. I'm pretty sure that squirrel wasn't thinking about the past or the future. 

The squirrel is a bit unclear in this photo, but I saw it clearly yesterday. I appreciated the reminder it brought me.  To see more clearly: do what matters most, at an enjoyable pace, with full presence, and then rest for awhile. What an idea! 
