World Meditation Day

Today I am grateful to give trust to others who are helpers in my life. I also appreciate the help that regular meditation time has become.

Today is World Meditation Day 2021. I only learned that when I went into the meditation app I use: Insight Timer. If you have never considered meditation as a practice for yourself, or you have found it difficult to make it a regular routine, I can relate. Maybe today, or a day coming up soon, you will delve into it a little further and give it a try. 

Like any exercise I do, which my physical self give thanks for, any meditation I do leaves my mental and emotional self feeling more calm. And they all contribute to my overall wellness. Exercise helps my mental and emotional state. Meditation helps my physical and spiritual presence.

If you are tired of "World day for this . . . " or "Awareness month for that . . . , " I experience that frustration too. Why do we need all these days and months for stuff that we already know about and agree are worth considering?  Because we forget. We get busy. And cynical. And jaded. 

Pause. Refresh. Try again. If you find it meaningful and worthwhile, honor it and yourself by continuing to carve out time in your days and weeks for the practice, activity, exercise. 

I am on day 21 of my goal to meditate each day this month. I needed this challenge at this time because I haven't yet fully incorporated this vital health practice into my regular routine. I know better clarity of thought and feeling when I meditate. My energy is more efficient, effective, and affirming. Meditation energizes me, even when I am physically tired. The benefits are reaped in so many little ways each day. I am closer to calling it a habit.

There are as many ways to meditate as there are to practice living gratefully. Give one a try today. It brings a connection to the world within and the world around us that allows more kindness and compassion to flow from us, to us, within us. 

One simple idea: Swap out five minutes of social media time today for some quiet reflection sitting outdoors.

Onward and inward! 
