Clearing Away the Day's Debris

Today I am grateful for time with our grandson Leo and for a bike ride in the cooler part of the day.

The phrase "the day's debris" from yesterday's post resurfaced yesterday afternoon on my commute home from work. I was tired from broken sleep, getting up earlier than usual, and a full day at work, complete with plenty of interactions that drained me.

Draining doesn't mean they were negative interactions, but in the role of helper and communicator, draining goes with the territory. Many good things happened and new connections were made. Some parts of the day fed frustration and increased stress though.

So the day's debris was cluttering my mind as I drove home. One of my mindfulness practices is to begin the first few minutes of both ends of my commute in silence. No radio on. Just the quiet car, some road noise, and the sound of the breeze if the windows are open.

That quiet after a full day and mind swirl is a good start on clearing away the day's debris.

Last evening, here are a few of the things that helped me clear my mind and heart and rest more peacefully:

-a couple of tunes cranked up
-playing catch with our grandson Leo
-comfort foods
-happy dogs scampering down the trail
-a bike ride at dusk on a beautiful evening
-a little writing

I am grateful for each of these interactions and actions. They are what living gratefully is all about.
