
Today I am grateful for my eyesight and hearing and how they allow me to take in the world around me, and I am grateful for the family and friends in my world, near and far.

Yesterday I noticed some less obvious beauties:
*Insects making their way in the world...buzzing around in the sun or crawling on the ground or my arm...there are way more of them than us. (An estimated 10 quintillion alive at this moment).
*Running with my shadow leading the way. It is often there, but I often miss it.
*Hearing our dog Oliver's collar and tags clink on his food bowl as he eats, signaling a typical day and a healthy dog.

Today's post title is the word progression. It is one of those words that can be the bearer of good news. "The progression of your pregnancy is normal." "Your child's progression in the area of math is outstanding. " "Her progression to CEO is deserved."

Or it can be the bearer of bad news. "The progression of fear in an area hit by a crime wave." "The progression of the enemy toward the front lines in a war."  Or the news my sister Mary Jo received recently: "Your cancer has shown progression."

Very difficult news for her and her family to hear, and for the rest of her extended family and friends to hear.  As the cancer progresses, hope regresses, pain and discomfort build on many fronts.

There is more waiting, new treatment options, unknowns. And yet, there is today, with its possibilities and potential for moments of peace and a resurgence of hope.


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