The Enormity of Life

Today I am grateful for the sound of birds singing again after some quieter months, for a quiet and restful day yesterday, and for a good run outside in the fresh air.

Yesterday I was also struck by the deep level of gratitude I have for daily recovery from alcoholism and the people and Great Spirit who show me how it can be done.

Sometimes it hits me. This enormity of life. The enormity of gratefulness I find and feel when I simply pay attention. When I acknowledge the gift it is to awaken to a new day and go live it.

Sometimes it hits me. After a week like the last few days have been. Nature is bigger than us. The unexpected can happen and be scary. Two diseases that kill people every day are part of my story, and yet I am here plugging along. The people I love are my priority.

Sometimes it hits me. The enormity of the task of living a life of recovery. Not that it has to be difficult. I make it more difficult than it needs to be. There are simple things I can do every day, that I try to do every day, that help me stay sober and sane. Simple, but not always easy.

The enormity of recovery and the impact it has had on my life hit me as I consider the alternative. If I had continued to drink over the last three decades or so, my life may have already been over. At the least, my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health would have been abused and left me feeling battered and worn.

Sure, I feel battered and worn just from aging and busy days as it is. But I would feel so much more battered and beaten up had I continued to drink.

The enormity of life, of recovery, can only be fully embraced in a simple, single moment of quiet reflection and grace. I had such moments yesterday. I will seek more today.
