
Today I am grateful for the conversations I have with other alcoholics and addicts, both those recovering and those not there yet. They help remind me of my own truth, and of the nature of our malady. 

I am also grateful for the beauty of fall that is surrounding us in recent weeks. I always enjoy going back to my family's farm in Iowa, but fall is my favorite time to go back. I get weary of the heat and humidity of summer and look forward to fall. I love the greens of spring and summer, but always welcome the range of color that fall brings. I especially like cloudy fall days. It just seems to fit.

Here are two pictures I took as I paused on my run Sunday morning, both within minutes of the farm.

I appreciate the neighbors who allow us access to the area in the first picture. They bought this land when my parents bought ours, in 1981. Over the years, we have watched the trees they planted grow bigger, the lone pond they started become two, the roads and trails we can walk and run also expand.
It is one of my favorite places to visit and take in the changing seasons.

The second picture is the hill heading back home from the ponds. The road is freshly paved, and I appreciate that because it was needed. Thank you to those who made that possible and did the work. I also appreciate my eyesight and that I can distinguish and enjoy the array of colors moving up the hillside. The corn will soon be harvested and the colors will fade and sooner or later get some snow cover. 

Fallscapes to enjoy. Seasons to savor as they come and go.
