On the Move

Today I am grateful for time with our grandson Leo last night and for the wonder of child development.

Leo was with his uncle Sam and I for a time while his mom Emily and grandpa Darcy did some errands.  We see him pretty regularly, but it always amazes me what he is up to.

He hasn't quite gotten the crawling down, but it is interesting to watch him work on it. He can certainly get himself from point A to point B in a variety of twisting, turning, and rolling ways.
You can just see the determination and then the sense of accomplishment on his face.

He is a strong little boy and likes to stand up. I predict he will walk early. He takes little steps with help. He seems to really enjoy standing and then he likes to bounce his legs up and down.

Leo on the move is a fun creature to watch. I love his facial expressions and the jabbering he will sometimes do.

I think of the wonder of being on the move as Darcy and I get ready to head out on a run.  And the wonder of the wrestling moves Sam will use later this morning at the duals meet his team is going to.

And I think with sadness of those who are getting limited in mobility, like my mom.  It feels a bit odd to me to help my mom up and down stairs, but she needs that support at times.

Consider the ways you are able to be on the move today. Be grateful for them all.
