She's Determined

Today I am grateful for the free photos provided from the MDI Marathon. I am also grateful for the steady paycheck my job provides.

This is one of my pictures from the marathon. If I had to pick a favorite, this is it. I am in determined motion. That is what it takes to cover 26.2 miles.

You probably can't see it, but my Brooks running hat says "Run Happy."  It sure works for this endorphin junkie. The purple band on my wrist says "FOCUS" and I wore it over my ears earlier in the race when it was chillier. Focus is necessary on such a challenging journey, one hill after another. 

The purple inspired me as I thought of my brother-in-law Roger, declining with Lewy Body Dementia. I also thought of those I know who have pancreatic cancer. Purple is the color for both LBD and pancreatic cancer awareness.

The shirt I am wearing is my finisher shirt from the 2006 Twin Cites Marathon, my fastest. Underneath it is my finisher shirt from the 2009 Kansas City Marathon, run 10 months to the day after my bilateral mastectomies.  

I get inspiration and energy from many sources, including what I wear.  

Whatever it takes. The runner in the picture?  She's determined and she's deeply grateful. And she is running happy.
