
Today I am grateful for an easy breakfast of overnight oatmeal and fruit. I am also grateful for God's sense of humor (though often not right away).

Let's wrap up the A-Z list of feelings with another fun word: zippy. Full of zip, very quick or speedy, strikingly fresh, lively, appealing in style.

As a writer, I appreciate the word and I feel zippy on a good writing day. The words come, the sentences take shape, the purpose clarifies. Hopefully the reader feels it too after reading my words.

Some of my runs are zippy, during and after the run itself. I am not talking speed here, I am referring to feeling fully alive and energized. Zippy.

If I am honest, I do admit that I can be zippy as a driver. Sometimes I do speed, and I have been caught at it more than once. It's a good way to practice slowing down and mindfulness-being an obedient and respectful driver taking reasonable time to get from point A to point B.

And though I don't consider myself very fashionable in the clothing department, I do have some outfits that help me feel zippy. Confident. Composed. Comfortable. The best kind of zippy outfit.

I feel zippy in the mornings, as I greet a new day. I am grateful this one is here, full of moments and opportunities to pause, to live gratefully. Have a good one!
