
Today I am grateful for Papa Murphy's pizza and for the way my muscles feel after doing some strength-building exercises.

My post from yesteday had this as the final line:

"I will focus on appreciating what I get to physically be present for today."

I pretty much failed at that. I had a very busy day at work which continued right into my evening at home. I got caught up in all of that, as often happens. I am not beating myself up for this failure though. I appreciate my efforts and the insight gained.

And here's some good news. It was while driving home from work that I thought about this goal I had given myself. It used to be I may try to set a positive tone for my day and five minutes later I am off to the races in my head and stay racing all day. At least now I recognize progress when I see it.

It helped me appreciate the run my husband and I took together. It helped me find joy in watching our grandson Leo play on a blanket on the floor-getting to know his own physical self. He was kicking his legs, moving his arms, looking around. He showed me how to be physically present.

I don't always live with this positive tone I strive for. I don't always come from a perspective of mindful gratitude. But my thoughts, words, and deeds come from those healthy places far more than they used to.

That's not failure. That's success. Thanks for your help Leo!
