Sitting in the Sunlight

Today I am grateful that my son Sam's initial experience with contact lenses is off to a good start. I am also grateful to be of service to others in need, and I am grateful for sunshine.

On Sunday I had to wait for Sam at church for a time. I found a nice place to sit and soak up the sun through one of the church windows. It was warm, bright, and inviting. Oliver, our dog, will often find a spot on the floor that is in the sun and settle in for a little snooze. We are all drawn to the sun.This nice weather I have been talking about is so welcome for many reasons, but one of them is getting outside in direct sunlight. Being able to expose some of our pasty winter skin to the sun is a bonus.

The sun is amazing and powerful. It is 93 million miles away and yet it provides us life, light, and warmth. And it happens to be one of those things I too often take for granted. I do try to pause and catch a sunrise or sunset when I can, but on many days thoughts of the sun are covered by the clutter of other, more important thoughts. We sort of have it backwards. We should thank the sun each day, because without it we wouldn't be here.

But like so many things I am grateful for, the literal sun makes me think of the figurative sun as well. Who and what in my life bring me light and sustaining energy? Who warms my heart and soul?  I think of family, friends, co-workers, others in recovery, fellow cancer patients, our dog. I think of the They are much closer than 93 million miles away, but I don't always act like they are. Is there someone I should reach out to today? Is there someone who needs my thoughts and prayers? And I think of the relationship I have with my Higher Power, who never leaves me, even when I lack faith.

Who provides you sustaining light and energy? Have you thanked them lately?

Sitting in the sunlight is sitting in gratitude.
