
Today I am grateful for the other bloggers I follow and read. They inform and inspire. I am also grateful for our warm, comfortable bed.

I am over halfway through the alphabet on my trip through the dictionary. I came across nuzzle in my search and knew that was my "n" word of choice right away.

To nuzzle is to lie close or snug, nestle, to rub or push gently against something.

The word immediately elicited this cherished memory. I breastfed my son Sam and found it to be a wonderful experience and a great way for the two of us to get off to a good start together. It is the ultimate parent-child bonding. I continued to breastfeed Sam for about eight months.

I absolutely loved the times in those first weeks and months after he had fed and would fall asleep on my chest, just a little, warm bundle nuzzling against me. I especially recall this memory sitting in the recliner in our living room in our old house. I would often fall asleep with him for a while. Those times were pure joy, joy that I felt intensely then and can still recall today.

When I faced bilateral mastectomies four years ago, and did some reflecting and goodbyes, this memory helped me appreciate the gift my breasts had been. I am so grateful that I became a mother and had the breastfeeding experience. My breasts are gone, but the treasured memories live on.
