Timely Teacher: Sarah Blondin

Today I am grateful for rain,  a walk with friends, good finds while shopping.

And my gratefulness runs deep when I consider the timely teachers who somehow arrive in my life when they are meant to teach me the most. This has happened over the course of decades. I have sometimes recognized the teachers right away, and other times could only identify them later. 

Actual classrooms have been included, but more often than not the lessons were learned in a myriad of places with a vast array of teaching tools put to use by these timely teachers. Then there is Nature, a teacher most extraordinary. Nature was one of my first teachers and remains a steadfast mentor today. 

Today I mention by name one of my newest teachers--Sarah Blondin. I discovered her on Insight Timer, a wonderful and resourceful meditation app. Her offerings on Insight Timer caught my attention and then her soothing style, paced approach, and gracious wisdom kept me coming back to her talks and meditations. You can read more about her and listen to some of her work here on her website. 

These are the words that welcome visitors to her website: 

Life is not fully lived, my beloved, until you have freed your heart from hiding.
Let the unveiling begin.

Setting the stage nicely before launching into the actual meditation portion of a recording, she is blessed with a voice that is calming and inviting to participants. As with the other meditation tracks I listen to, I do so alone in the privacy of my own home, with headphones, usually in the early morning quiet. But as with any meditation, I am allowing myself to be open and vulnerable, so her style helps this student. 

I am on a good stretch of regular meditation, reaping benefits this cluttered and clattered mind have rarely if ever known before. My hope is to make it a habit, and I am closer to that than I have ever been. Thank you to Sarah Blondin and many other teachers, to the Insight Timer app, and to Great Spirit who always has more patience than I do. Great Spirit somehow orchestrates the teachers I need.

Who have been some of the timely teachers in your life?  Who is one right now? 
