New Stretch

Today I am grateful for my fingertips on computer keyboard and for clouds at play in the early morning sky. 

We are a few days into a new stretch known as the month of August. My husband Darcy, son Sam, and I are a few days away from a new stretch in our lives. Sam is heading off to freshman year of college and we are heading into that time known as empty-nesters. Sam is ready and we are ready, but like all new stretches, none of us knows exactly how it will go and how we will feel about it.

There is more uncertainty and worry because we are also in this new stretch of local, state, national, and international history known as the COVID-19 pandemic. It's a stretch we would rather not have to travel, but here we are and the road ahead is fraught with all kinds of new . . . some welcome, some unwelcome. 

I was out for a bike ride last evening and briefly enjoyed a new stretch of roadway, or I should say a freshly resurfaced stretch of roadway. It was smooth and the bike tires glided across the fresh surface. 

Smooth rides on new stretches? They are possible. 

Faith and living gratefully can help even out and ease the rough spots. I am taking both with me as we traverse these new stretches. 
