Better Moments Within

Today I am grateful for reserves to tap into when needed. Reserves of gratitude, resilience, faith. And love. Always love. 

The last days have been a real challenge for me personally and professionally. The emotions have been many and varied, the worries the same. There has been good news amid the challenges too, and happy times like our grandson Aaron's third birthday. 

Much is weighted with a heaviness that isn't going anywhere but can still be surrendered, prayed on, acted upon. Forgiveness and healing are ongoing. Faith and a sense of gratefulness hold me steady.

I have tired of the word unprecedented to describe our current times, and yet I can't think of a better one to use. Unmatched. Unparalleled. Striking. 

It is always wise to take life a day at a time, and now we know why. Things change rapidly. Test results come in. Social media comments go out. An old fear subsides, only to be replaced by a new one. 

The burdens are palpable, and both individual and collective. So is the resilience and the fortitude. There are better days ahead. And there are better moments, even within the days where the muck and mire threaten to pull me in. 

Moments like feeling the warmth of our dog Oliver as he lays next to me. Seeing our son Sam's face across the miles and knowing that he is okay. Getting a message from a friend. Talking to a sister. Hearing my husband breathe next to me in bed.

Better moments within. Pause and find some today. 
