The 4-1-1

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the meditation on surrender that just helped me start my day. I give thanks for the moments I got to enjoy this rainbow last evening:

I also give thanks for the opportunity to give blood for the second time yesterday.  I am learning about the steps in the process, can tell you my blood type is B+, that they like how easy it is to find a vein in my arm to use, that it took 4 minutes and 11 seconds for a pint of my blood to flow into a bag and be used to help someone else. 

I can also tell you it's a little strange to see a pint of your own blood, dark red, sitting there in a bag. Our bodies and the natural processes that blood is part of are amazing. If I take a moment to surrender to that amazement, a sense of grounding comes to me. Trust arrives as well. This body has worked pretty smoothly overall for well over fifty years now, and though I have had something to do with that, there is also much that is taken care of for me naturally and beyond my consciousness most of the time.

That's the 4-1-1 to take into today. Useful information to keep me humble and grateful.
