Big A, Little A

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for tower fans and the coolness they generate, and ceiling fans for the same reason. Can you tell we have a heat wave here?

As this day arrives, I am thinking about words that start with A. Alcoholism is a daily "A word" for me. It's a daily disease. Am I doing my recovery work today?  And am I connected to others in recovery, such a key part to staying on track?  A strong yes to both questions.

Recovery from alcoholism, for me, requires right actions, which then lead to healthier attitudes and a better acceptance of life on life's terms. These actions are many, and include daily gratitude practice.

The Guest House is a wonderful poem by Rumi. The first two lines are:

This being human is a guest house. 
Every morning a new arrival. 

Arrival. Today is here. What will I make of it? That is not referencing a long to-do list. That is suggesting honoring today moment by moment, hour by hour. Honoring human life and natural life. Honoring our shared existence.
