Don't Ever Forget

Today I am grateful for the friends who have and continue to bless my life's journey. I am also grateful for the awakenings I get to witness in others.

I was so saddened to hear about the death of Robin Williams. Depression and addiction were part of his struggles. He left a legacy with his work in comedy and acting. What will my legacy be? What am I doing today to keep leaving a positive mark on this world?

Today marks the anniversary of my last drunk: August 12, 1989. Alcoholics in recovery are advised "Don't forget your last drunk." I haven't. I won't.

I won't forget it, but I also don't remember a sizable chunk of that day. Blackouts were a very regular occurrence in my drinking by then. At a wedding, surrounded by many family and friends, I played the drunken cousin/sister/friend part quite well. Only I wasn't acting. I was spiraling downward. I had been for years.

I woke up the next morning, hungover, and took off on a trip to California with a friend. I drank some over the next weeks, but August 12 was my last nasty, down and dirty drunk. Thank God!

Thank God others, like my sister Leonice, also had the courage to confront me about my behavior.Thanks to all of you! Help arrived. I survived. One day at a time today I continue to not only survive but thrive. That is deeply humbling. It is a gift. One I do not take for granted, especially on hearing news like the death of Robin Williams.
