A Useful Participant and a Happy 16th!

Today I am grateful for my husband Darcy and our marriage. I am also grateful for continuing motivation to maintain a healthy weight.

Darcy and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary last week while we were traveling. Sixteen years! The years have piled up quickly. I am so grateful for our marriage and so grateful to Darcy for what he contributes to it and what he brings out in me. For years, I wondered if I would meet my match. It took until I was 32, but we met and our lives converged on a shared path that has made us both more fulfilled, more than what we were before.

I heard the phrase "useful participant" the other day and it struck me as significant. I want to be a useful participant in my marriage, and in this wider experience of life. Useful as a mother and stepmother, as a co-worker, as a fellow recovering person, as a friend, as a family member. Useful. Participant. What more could there be?

When I am grateful and recognize the grace that surrounds us all, I want to participate more in life. Self-pity leads to withdrawal and isolation. Gratitude leads to embracing opportunity. When I am feeling blessed, rather than cursed, my actions tend to be more useful, helpful, and healthy. I have a willingness to make the most of what lies ahead in today.

My goal today is to be a useful participant. What is your goal?
