A White Flag Waving

Today I am grateful for the sound of the wind chimes that remind me of my sister Mary Jo. I am also appreciative of the gratitude-focused meditation I did this morning. 

Darcy and I went snowshoeing on Sunday morning after a fresh snowfall of a few inches fell Saturday afternoon and overnight. It was nice to have the fresh powder. The previous snowfall had been wet and heavy, leaving behind crunchy and hard ice. 

We welcomed the scenery and fairly mild late January temperature. I try not to forget the huge gifts in these first few lines...husband, snowshoes, physical capabilities, five senses, nature’s awe. We ended up a little tuckered out by the time we reached the last few hundred yards on our route. 

That is when I noticed this small white flag ahead of us. No idea what it was marking, but I know it had a message for me. Let go. Surrender. Turn it over. Accept more, expect less. In that particular moment and throughout my day. 

Waving the white flag is a little more desperate. White flag waving a little more subtle. Results are the same. I get out of my own way. In recovery from alcoholism. In living fully today. Onward! 
