Hitched to the Universe

Living gratefully, I am enjoying beautiful music and the view of clouds clearing after an earlier thunderstorm. I am also grateful for the women I got to spend time with last night at BC support group.

On Sunday, I wrote about being open to the universe. Then, I came across this quote:

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched
to everything else in the Universe." 
(John Muir)

I went forward with this thought and considered how very true it is. Here are just a few examples:

*Our breaths and the air we take in, part of the Earth's atmosphere.

*A person and the parents who made that life possible, and it starts with a few cells.

*The pilot of a plane and the passengers on that plane, brought there by innovation.

*When I pet our dog Oliver we both feel the warmth and love; living beings connecting.

*Enjoying the smell of freshly mowed grass, those who were mowing it, and the grass growing because of the rain that nourishes the soil it is in.

*My legs churning to pedal the bike I was riding, on tires made at a factory somewhere by natural resources someone else helped get there. Those tires stable on the trail, on solid ground, on earth.

*Bananas and cherries eaten from trees, then picked and packaged by humans and machines, and our evolved digestive systems that take in the fruit.

*The flow of rivers...any river. Long or short, wide or narrow, deep or shallow.  The life teeming in and around those waters.

Each of these could be carried further into the connections, the ways we are hitched. The Universe is the right thing to be hitched to, especially when moving with it, rather than being dragged along by it. 
