Cleaning the Gutters

Today I am grateful for indoor plumbing and refrigerators, two things I regularly take for granted.

Last evening I assisted my husband Darcy with the task of cleaning the gutters. I did the work on the ground and he was up on our roof. Our teamwork went pretty smoothly, and we could clearly see our progress, both in the gutters and as the downspouts cleared out.

I even "enjoyed" the cold water sprays I got from time to time. It's an annual job we try to take care of as far as house maintenance goes. Now it's done until next summer.

As we took care of this type of gutter cleaning, a different kind of gutter cleaning came to mind. The kind that I would sometimes help with in the barn on our dairy farm growing up. If you haven't caught up with me yet, the job involved scoop shovels and a manure spreader. Yesterday's wispy and wistful becomes "get a whiff of that!"

Clogged and full gutters, regardless of what may be clogging and filling them, need to be cleaned out to start a fresh flow, to keep back-ups from causing leaks and other problems.

Clogged emotions get stuck too if we don't take the time to let them be known and felt in the ways they need to be known and felt.

My gratitude flow can sometimes get stopped up, but the cause of that is mostly me getting in my own way and forgetting to pause and relish a moment here and there.

Clean some gutters today, literally or figuratively. See what starts flowing again. Have a good day!
